Anthony & Denise

Anthony & Denise

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Love, one aspect of the experience

  I think rather than knowing how to love I was taught that I was loved, and greatly so. This however was a different love. I really do not think this love can ever be achieved here in this world with these bodies. As I looked around and spotted Denise I felt a warm, complete, perfect love, stronger than I could ever explain. More pure than I could have ever know existed. As I watched the others in the room I felt the same way for them too. Though mentally I had an attachment to Denise, love was ll the same. Everybody was equally loved.

  I know, sounds a bit Hippie type sounding, but it is true. Here, we have different loves and levels of love... if we are fortunate. And it's perfectly natural to be that way, I think God made us to be that way apart from His presence by these bodies. We have different loves for our spouse, parents, children, God, family, friends... and within each of those different levels. That doesn't mean we do lot love truly or one better than the other. I think it is the natural way to keep order in our lives. We extend limits of our love depending upon who it is. We extend conditions on our love, depending on who it is.

  But when we are in the Light of God, maybe His love is so powerful that our souls feed off of it. I really don;t know how it works. I'm just guessing. God's love I felt that night was perfect, unconditional, complete, and a level that no words can describe.  


  1. Hello Anthony; I'm the one who sent you the website link to our son Billy about signs from our loved ones. Anyway, I was suppose to go to another website but I ended up onto yours, so I read your blog on beyond and back questions. I really love your - Love,one aspect of the experience. Your doing a great job, keep it up, God Bless.

    Well done

  2. Thanks Guy. I have a lot more to go on the site and get it up when I can. It's just so hard to put into words. God Bless and Kepp you and yours,

  3. Thank you for telling your story. You've given me much hope.

  4. Your welcome Ann and thank you for listening. There is always hope.
